v2.5 [Jan 11, 2012]
- New Insert Spacer mechanism
- New Boundary Change for dynamically changing a staff boundary during print
- New Boundary Collapse for dynamically hiding parts on some print systems
- New Boundary Change Staff Gap for creating a gap in the system, commonly used for ending Coda sections
- Full "round trip" support for working with *.nwctxt files
- User tool support for accessing the entire file or just the current selection
- New character map utility for use in creating text expressions via Insert, Text
- Text Expression access to primary and cue sized Staff Symbol Font
- New Edit, Filtered Properties command
- Shape notes
- Pause command during play back
- New Multi-measure Rest
- New Bar Number Panel in the editor which shows the measure numbers for the active staff
- Caesura added to Tempo Variance
- Staccatissimo articulation
- Marcato articulation
- Persistent note tools are now individually configurable
- The Orchestral staff style now supports staff groups, with each different group shown in its own bracket in the conductor score
- Support beaming through a clef change
- An Abbreviated Staff Label can be optionally assigned to each staff
- New page setup option for printing a multi-staff system separator mark
- Special endings now support start, continue, and close configurations
- New special ending bracket height and offset options
- New Transparent bar line style
- Group support to the Mute List tool (2.5.3)
- Individual magnification option to toolbars (2.5.3)
- Toolbar button for inserting a system break (2.5.3)
v2.1 [Mar 3, 2010]
New interactive piano bar, with significant editor integration .
New "Viewer Mode" for in place editing of the printed view of the work .
New cross hair for quickly finding your current location/insertion point .
Improved active staff boundary lines when in edit mode .
Color highlighting for noteheads with a new quick access tool palette .
New backup mechanism for handling .bak files during save .
New staff label taskbar in the editor, with tooltip for current clef, key, and time signature .
New persistent selection when changing the active staff .
New multiple document selector in the status bar .
New Layering Tool for quickly combining visible staves into layers .
Play/record indicator in the document selector .
Current clef, time signature, bar and MIDI channel are shown in the status bar .
A file changed indicator in the editor window's title bar and Window menu selector .
An origin indicator in the editor window's title bar and Window menu selector for unsaved editor windows from imported or backup sources .
Support for opening a file as "read-only" .
New "Fake" items in user tool clip text provide reliable play context for smaller clipped sections .
Expand editor background color control to support full RGB palette .
New active staff background color while in edit mode .
A command line program, nwc-conv.exe, is now included for converting *.nwc files to and from various other formats .
New "Show/Hide Rest" option for RestChord objects .
New line drawing techniques to help work around buggy print drivers .
Tools->Windows Volume Control support in Windows 7 and Vista .
MIDI import safeguards when encountering null tempos .
Audit bar line handling of double dots at bar boundary .
Leger lines now always print in matching color to the staff .
Leger lines are drawn consistently for staves with custom number of lines .